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K-Farm Photography Competition 堅農圃攝影比賽



主題:(1) 生命力 (2) 都市農圃 (3) 海濱之日常

組別:(1) 公開組 (2) 學生組





登入報名連結,填寫資料及上載1MB至3MB照片檔案 (jpeg)。






  • 切合主題

  • 構圖美感

  • 攝影技巧

  • 創意取材






  • 進場須出示預約證明

  • 每天四個進場時段:10:00、11:00、16:00、17:00

  • 疫情關係,每時段限10人進場,最多一人陪同

  • 每時段約50分鐘

  • 需網上預約,每人最多兩次

  • 進場額滿即止,有興趣參賽者應盡早網上預約

  • 已預約進場但臨時缺席者,將作放棄進場論

  • 如已進場兩次仍擬進場拍攝,可等候即日名額


  1. 免費參加。

  2. 比賽以個人為單位。

  3. 黑白及彩色照片皆可。

  4. 每名參加者在每個主題最多只可遞交兩份參賽作品。

  5. 拍攝地點不限,如需進入「堅農圃」拍攝可在網上預約。

  6. 參加者可使用筆名,但需同時提交真實及正確個人資料。

  7. 每幅作品須附上自定題目及不多於50字的文字介紹。

  8. 參賽作品須切合主題,不得含有任何具猥褻、挑釁、毀謗、色情、暴力、種族、性別歧視、商業、政治宣傳或其他任何引人厭惡或不合宜之內容,若發現有以上內容出現,主辦機構將取消參賽資格。

  9. 參賽作品必須未曾公開發表。

  10. 所有參賽作品一經提交,不論獲獎與否,恕不發還。

  11. 參賽作品必須為參加者本人原創,並未有侵犯其他任何個人或實體之版權、商標權、隱私/公開權、以及智慧財產權。作品一經發現為剽竊之作,其參賽資格將被取消。

  12. 參加者可遞交航拍作品,惟須自行衡量使用航拍之風險,主辦機構概不負責。

  13. 參加者必須自行負責其參賽作品所涉及的版權、肖像權等問題。

  14. 版權為參加者所擁有。惟主辦機構有權使用參賽作品作展覽、印刷特刊、明信片或其他非商業及/或公開推廣之用。

  15. 主辦機構有權要求參加者遞交參賽照片的原底片或原始數碼影像檔案,如未能交出,其參賽資格有機會被取消。作品原始檔案尺寸需為3000x3600pixels或800萬像素以上之電子檔。

  16. 參加者提交作品等於明白及願意遵守上述所有細則。參加者如有任何違反上述細則的行為,主辦機構將保留取消其參賽資格的權利。

  17. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構擁有是次攝影比賽之最終決定權。

Thank you for your support to K-Farm. To promote green living, urban farming and promenade, we welcome you all to join our Photography Competition. Location not limited to K-Farm. You may register online if you want to visit K-Farm for shooting.

Theme: (1) Vitality (2) Urban Farming (3) Promenade Daily

Category:(1) Public (2) Student

Submission: 05.03.2022 - 03.04.2022

Shooting: 05.03.2022 - 03.04.2022

Announcement: 15.04.2022


Submit via the link above. Fill out the information and upload the jpeg format file (1MB-3MB)



Representatives of the organisation and professional photographers



  • Theme

  • Composition

  • Technique

  • Creativity



The jury will select three winners and three merit awards from each theme and each category. 5 to 10 works from each category will be selected for the 'Most Popular Award'. Trophies and gifts will be presented to the three winners and Certificates and gifts will be presented to the other award winners. 



  • Registration to be presented while entering.

  • Four sessions everyday: 10:00, 11:00,16:00, 17:00

  • Due to the epidemic, maximum 10 visitors allowed with one more guest accompanied. 

  • 50 minutes for each session.

  • Online registration required ( Two Sessions per participant.

  • First-come-first-serve. 

  • Absent without prior notice will miss the chance to visit.

  • Those who have visited twice can still visit if there is any vacancy available.


  1. Free entry

  2. Join as individual

  3. Color or black and white

  4. Maximum 2 submissions for each theme.

  5. No limit to location. Online registration is required for on-site shooting.

  6. Pen name allowed. But real name and information should also be provided.

  7. Title and description no more than 50 words should be provided.

  8. All works should be relevant to the themes. Works with improper content will be disqualified.

  9. All submitted works should be unpublished. 

  10. All submitted works will not be returned to the participants.

  11. All submitted works should be original. If plagiarism is found, the work will be disqualified.

  12. Aerial photography is accepted. However, participants should bear their own risk.

  13. Participants must be responsible for the possible copyright issues involved.

  14. Participants own the copyright of their works. However, the organisor has the right to exhibit and publish the works for non-commercial and promotion purpose. 

  15. The organisor has the right to request the participants to submit the raw file of their works. Those who fail to submit might be disqualified. The size of the raw file should be 3000x3600pixels or over 8M resolution. 

  16. Participants are deemed to understand and accept  the terms and conditions above after submission. The organisor reserves the right to disqualify those who violate the terms above.

  17.  Should there be any disputes, the organisor reserves the right to make the final decision.

© 2020 by ROUGH HONG KONG.

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