When your computer gives you a tough time and you think of using a new PC, the biggest confusion that you may face is how you would transfer the paid programs from your current PC to the new one. And, Microsoft Office is not an exception especially when you need to use it regularly on another device. Fortunately, office.com/setup allows you to move your Office products from one computer to another quite easily.
Although there are several ways to achieve this, here we are going to discuss the standard way of transferring your Microsoft Office license from one computer to another. Before you begin, there are a few things that you need to keep handy so that you do not face any challenges during the transfer process. Primarily, you should have your Microsoft account login details handy. In addition to that, if you have activated the subscription using the Microsoft Office product key, then you shall need that too. However, in most cases, the product key is not required. In case you have installed it through a disk/file that would also be required. To know more browse Office.com/Setup.
office.com/setup lets you manage your office account with all the features that you will require to manage your subscriptions, renewal, billings and make new purchases.
Go to office.com/myaccount and select Sign In.
Enter the email address and password. This might be your personal Microsoft office myaccount, or the username and password you use with your work or home and business account.
Choose the App Launcher and then choose any Office app to start using it.