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subFORM Eco-Product Design Competition








Introduction 簡介

subFORM Innovative Eco-Product Design Competition is a one-day event targeting for local secondary school students aiming to promote the concept of waste reuse and upcycling. It consists of a seminar introducinig upcycling and innovative product design and a competition allowing participants to create products using the materials collected and distributed.


​The word 'sub' means 'replace'; 'subFORM' means an upcycling design replaces its retired function.



Objectives 目標
  • ​To promote environmental protection concepts such as waste reuse, recycling, and no wasting;

  • To encourage the youth to cultivate good habits and cherish our environment and resources;

  • To encourage the youth to use different materials to design and make new products with creativity;

  • To develop communication,  problem-solving and decision-making skills through team work.

  • ​推廣廢物再造、循環再用、惜物等環保概念;

  • 鼓勵青少年養成愛惜環境和資源的良好習慣;

  • 鼓勵青少年靈活運用不同物料,發揮創意,進行創新設計及製作;

  • 讓青少年通過小組協作訓練溝通、解難和決策能力。

Design 賽事設計

From the year of  19/20, a treasure hunt session will be added to allow participants to look for reusable resources to make the competition  more challenging and interesting.

The competition consists of three parts: seminar, treasure hunt and production.

  1. Participants will form team of four to attend a seminar of creative design and upcycling;

  2. Search for required recyling materials and any waste they found useful to their design;

  3. Create new products using eco-materials with the assistance of instructors.

The professional judges will then select the First, Second and Third place winners after listening to 1-minute presentation of each team using the following criteria: material reuse skills, creativity, aesthetics, functionality and possibility. All participants will receive completed certificate.



  1. 參賽者須以四人為一隊,先出席一小時有關創意設計及升級再造的講座;

  2. 然後參考地圖,在附近設施找尋指定的環保物資,並自行搜集有助創作的廢物;

  3. 最後在指導員的協助下,利用工具和環保物料創作出新產品。



Enrolment 報名

Please follow the steps below to enrol:

1. Online registration: Visit Events. Fill out the form by teacher or school staff to secure the place.

2. Email enrolment form: Download enrolment form, complete and email the form to Enrolment must be verified by the signature of principal and school chop.

3. Confirmation: Final confirmation email with competition rules and notes will be sent to in-charge person after enrolment form has been received.


1. 網上登記:請先到活動頁填寫登記表格。登記必須由老師或學校職員完成。

2. 電郵報名表:下載報名表格,填妥後電郵至。表格須校長簽署和蓋章作實。

3. 確認報名資格:負責老師或職員將收到確認電郵或比賽規則和須知。


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