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Support ROUGH


ROUGH Education Projects 草圖教育項目

Without strong background, ROUGH is a newly established NGO hoping to make some changes to the community with our very limited resources and manpower. Your support can definitely help us to carry out more meaningful educational and community projects. 


Organisation Sponsorship Form 機構贊助表格

Individual Donation Form 個人捐助表格


K-FARM Project 「堅 ‧ 農圃」項目

K-FARM, an urban farm locates at Kennedy Town to be operated by ROUGH, will start the construction works in October, 2019. It is expected to be fully launched in May 2020. The farm aims to promote healthy eating and green life to the public through different farming systems and a series of activities and to help the public to pursue wellbeing of body and mind.  

The farm needs donations to support activities, promotion and operation costs at early stage and other non-funded items in the future. Welcome to support us and be a part of the farm.

位於堅尼地城、由草圖營運的都市農莊「堅 ‧ 農圃」,將於2019年10月動工,預期2020年5月全面投入服務。農圃旨在藉着農耕設施和活動,推廣健康飲食及綠色生活的訊息,幫助市民追尋身心靈健康。


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